Hey there,
So the problem you are describing will require solver - the problem is, that free version only allows for 200 variable cells (camper assignments to cabins) and the paid version only allows for 2,000 variable cells. Your problem has 2,400 - i.e. 240 campers with 10 possible assigments (240*10)
attached is a workbook that has set up the problem - if you want to try the solver free trial and limit the problem to 2000 or limit the problem to 200 and use the free version, this setup should work for you. I can't guarantee as I haven't been able to run it.
Link to solver premium trial http://www.solver.com/premium-solver-pro
Link to enabling solver (free or otherwise) http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ex...010021570.aspx
If you still need assistance in running a smaller version of the problem let me know - if some campers (at least 40) don't put any preference you could run the problem with 2000 and randomly assign the remaining 40 campers to cabins.