Hi, I have an excel sheet (Staff Costing) with names of employees on the vertical basis (colum) and beside on a basis of horizontal sort (rows) there is the projects we run in the company, some employees we divide their salary on more than 1 project on portions, and some jets 100% of their salary from one project. This is filled by the Head of Department (H.O.D) for his department employees. File attached (Staff Costing)
We have about -8- departments.
I want to put these names and their portions of the salary divided into the projects into columns where first column contains first name in the first row, and his portion of salary in the second column, and the project which holds this portion in the third column. NOW if this employee gets his salary from more than one project I need that his name repeated in the continuous rows each of them contains in the opposite column his portion of salary and the project holds it. File attached (Staff Cost Allocation)
So how to make a formula or an automated way to allocate these rows in columns?
P.S. the Yellow highlighted cells in both files concentrates on the portions which is the core of making these files