Hi All,
Tried researching this but for some reason can't find it. I have a workbook with numbered sheets. I would like to do two things with this.
1. Generate a list of all the sheet names in the order that they appear.
2. Hide the sheets that i don't wish to look at anymore. Currently I'm using a macro that i will post below. The problem is that i have to update the macro with the name of every sheet as it is added. I'm hoping that with the list we will generate from question 1 there is an easier way of achieving the hide and show feature.
Private Sub SHOWOLD_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Sheets(Array("PO's 2013", "Expences 2013", "1a (2013)", "1b (2013)", "WSOOA (2013)", "PO's 2012", "1a (2012)", "1b (2012)", "WSOOA (2012)", "PO's 2011"))
ws.Visible = True
Next ws
End Sub