Sub BGreeson(): Dim wi As Worksheet, wu As Worksheet, IOU As String, UID As String
Dim i As Long, u As Long, OU, ID, o As Long, d As Long
Set wi = Sheets("IOU"): Set wu = Sheets("UIDs")
For i = 2 To wi.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
IOU = Rep(wi.Range("B" & i))
OU = Split(IOU, " ")
For u = 2 To wu.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If wu.Range("C" & u) = "*" Then GoTo GetAnother
UID = Rep(wu.Range("B" & u))
ID = Split(UID, " ")
If UBound(ID) = UBound(OU) Then
If Replace(wi.Range("B" & i), ",", "") = Replace(wu.Range("B" & u), ",", "") Then
GoSub StampIt: GoTo GetNext: End If
For o = LBound(OU) To UBound(OU)
For d = LBound(ID) To UBound(ID)
If Trim(LCase(OU(o))) = Trim(LCase(ID(d))) Then GoTo Nexto
Next d
GoTo GetAnother
Nexto: Next o
GoSub StampIt: GoTo GetNext
End If
GetAnother: Next u
GetNext: Next i: wu.Range("C:C").ClearContents
Exit Sub
StampIt: wi.Range("K" & i) = wu.Range("A" & u): wu.Range("C" & u) = "*": Return
End Sub
Function Rep(S As String) As String
Dim Wot, Wit, i As Integer
Wot = Array("Corporation", "Company", "Limited", "Incorporated", "City of", "Capital Inc", "Electric", _
"Public", "Services", "Service", "Of", "-", "New York")
Wit = Array("Corp", "Co", "Ltd", "Inc", "", "", "Elec", "Pub", "Serv", "Serv", "", " ", "NY")
S = Replace(Replace(Trim(S), ",", ""), ".", "") 'knock off commas and periods
For i = LBound(Wot) To UBound(Wot)
S = Replace(S, Wot(i), Wit(i))
Next i
Rep = Trim(S)
End Function