Slightly different kind of query for me - it's actually to do with something else that I do - so I've made two example lists (as both contained over 2000 lines of data etc. and other things) to illustrate what I am trying to do - e.g. on a list as short as the attached - I could adjust it manually - on a 2000+ line list this could take hours.
In the attached; Worked_Example.xlsx
On tab 1 - is the "accurate list" - a colleague pulled this from a data source that I know is accurate, where as the current list I know is inaccurate. It lists all of the roads, and splits them where they fall into multiple areas
On tab 2 - is my "filter list" - where I have filtered by column A from tab 1 - which I copied and pasted, to try and break it down into a list, just listing all of the roads in the area. I advanced filtered by column A and the problem this causes is where roads F and I fall in multiple areas, it only lists one road in both cases (so I lose 3 roads in total). Is there a way round this - e.g. can I filter by 2 columns?
On tab 3 - is just my "filtered list" - just a paste/special/values of tab 2 - so I have a clean list going forward.
On tab 4 - is the "original list" - which I know is out of date and inaccurate. I have made a vlookup table of it though as I want the "control" data in column C - which my accurate list doesn't have.
On tab 5 - is a copy of my "filtered list" from tab 3, with a 3rd column column added to get the "control" data by vlookup from tab 4.
As well as the problem on tab 2 - about some roads being filtered out - I have multiple problem on tab 5 that I have tried to list
Road D - doesn't pick up as a VLOOKUP, as Road D had a typo on the original list. Is there any way of dealing with this?- I have filtered my tab 5, on my 2000 line list and have over 300 N/A's which I am trying to break down.
Road G - was not on the original list - this is fine as this is what I am trying to pick up.
Road F - one of the "Road F's" was missed off the tab 5 list as it wasn't picked up on the filter list on tab 2 (if this makes sense)
Road I - was the same as road F - 2 were missing on tab 2 - and it was also spelt differently on tab 4 - pulling up the N/A where road F still registered the one road F it picked on the VLOOKUP.
As you can see I have multiple problems with the original list and was just wondering if there were other functions I could use to try and do this more efficiently?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.