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Attempting to combine two lists

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  1. #1
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    Question Attempting to combine two lists


    Slightly different kind of query for me - it's actually to do with something else that I do - so I've made two example lists (as both contained over 2000 lines of data etc. and other things) to illustrate what I am trying to do - e.g. on a list as short as the attached - I could adjust it manually - on a 2000+ line list this could take hours.

    In the attached; Worked_Example.xlsx

    On tab 1 - is the "accurate list" - a colleague pulled this from a data source that I know is accurate, where as the current list I know is inaccurate. It lists all of the roads, and splits them where they fall into multiple areas
    On tab 2 - is my "filter list" - where I have filtered by column A from tab 1 - which I copied and pasted, to try and break it down into a list, just listing all of the roads in the area. I advanced filtered by column A and the problem this causes is where roads F and I fall in multiple areas, it only lists one road in both cases (so I lose 3 roads in total). Is there a way round this - e.g. can I filter by 2 columns?
    On tab 3 - is just my "filtered list" - just a paste/special/values of tab 2 - so I have a clean list going forward.
    On tab 4 - is the "original list" - which I know is out of date and inaccurate. I have made a vlookup table of it though as I want the "control" data in column C - which my accurate list doesn't have.
    On tab 5 - is a copy of my "filtered list" from tab 3, with a 3rd column column added to get the "control" data by vlookup from tab 4.

    As well as the problem on tab 2 - about some roads being filtered out - I have multiple problem on tab 5 that I have tried to list

    Road D - doesn't pick up as a VLOOKUP, as Road D had a typo on the original list. Is there any way of dealing with this? - I have filtered my tab 5, on my 2000 line list and have over 300 N/A's which I am trying to break down.
    Road G - was not on the original list - this is fine as this is what I am trying to pick up.
    Road F - one of the "Road F's" was missed off the tab 5 list as it wasn't picked up on the filter list on tab 2 (if this makes sense)
    Road I - was the same as road F - 2 were missing on tab 2 - and it was also spelt differently on tab 4 - pulling up the N/A where road F still registered the one road F it picked on the VLOOKUP.

    As you can see I have multiple problems with the original list and was just wondering if there were other functions I could use to try and do this more efficiently?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    You have a list that you know are accurate called Accurate List. You are missing the CONTROL data that is on the Original List Worksheet. Start off by using the Accurate list and get the Control data from the original list using this formula.

    Enter in C2 of Accurate List. This is an Array Formula so enter with Ctrl + Shift + Enter then copy down the list.

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IFERROR(INDEX('Original List'!$C$2:$C$12,MATCH("Ro"&"*"&B2,'Original List'!$A$2:$A$12&$B$2:$B$12,0)),"")

    Now click in the Accurate List then click the Data Tab and click on the Filter button. This will allow you to filter directly on a list that you know is accurate.

    I am having a hard time keeping straight what you are filtering but at least this gives you an accurate place from which to start.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    I didn't think of looking at the problem this way - I think this will work. I have copies of the other document at home, and will try this out. When I looked at the problem, I was trying to fit the road names to the control data - there are a couple of columns (but if you can do it for one you can do it for all of them in principle), when I really should have been looking to fit the control data to the accurate list.

    The real problem is the original list is over 3 years old, and wasn't put together with any kind of quality checking - as a result it is patchy (e.g. some roads are listed odds and evens for no reason e.g. Road A - odd numbers, Road A - even numbers - in reality I just need Road A).

    I'm in all honesty just trying to get a complete and accurate list - which I have - but then to filter out what we don't have the control data for from the original list (if this makes sense). Am going to go away and have a go with this.

    Thanks for the idea.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    Don't use the first solution! There is an error other than the wild card that allows a false result for Road G.

    Something in Row 9 of the Original List onward is not right and I can't find it right now. The corrections in YELLOW do work.

    I suggest that you get rid of the word "Road" leaving just the letter. The use of helper columns like I have in this solution makes it much easier to work with and the formulae are somewhat less complicated as a result. The word "Area" could also be taken out for the same reason.

    The areas in YELLOW, are areas that I changed. The formula has taken out the wildcard.
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    Last edited by newdoverman; 09-13-2014 at 04:36 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    Quote Originally Posted by newdoverman View Post
    Don't use the first solution! There is an error other than the wild card that allows a false result for Road G.

    Something in Row 9 of the Original List onward is not right and I can't find it right now. The corrections in YELLOW do work.

    I suggest that you get rid of the word "Road" leaving just the letter. The use of helper columns like I have in this solution makes it much easier to work with and the formulae are somewhat less complicated as a result. The word "Area" could also be taken out for the same reason.

    The areas in YELLOW, are areas that I changed. The formula has taken out the wildcard.
    Thanks. Just coming back on this, I can see that the idea would work and would probably get me closer to where I want to be in a quicker way. Just so you know the Road A, Road B, and Road C - were just names that I came up with as the actual list has data on it that I don't want out there if that makes sense. In reality it would be something like (am just making up street names here, using fruits and animals)

    Apple Avenue
    Bear Road
    Cardinal Way
    Elephant Street

    Which made me think going back to your formula in the first one:

    =IFERROR(INDEX('Original List'!$C$2:$C$12,MATCH("Ro"&"*"&B2,'Original List'!$A$2:$A$12&$B$2:$B$12,0)),"")

    I am figuring the "ro" is to key on Road, as I'd made an example typo of Rod instead of Road? In reality using my example above though, I couldn't figure how I would work that (e.g. for example - "Cadinal Way" instead of "Cardinal Way")?

    Also areas were made up for the same reason - I can see that you are from Canada, it would be the equivalent of provinces (in the actual list).

    I will definately have a look over v2 - totally agree with the use of helper columns - I use them on other sheets.

    I'm happy to bounce something around and thanks for taking the time.

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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    Sorry just looking at this further - this would work in principle. Your formula doesn't return anything for Road G - as Road G isn't on the original list. As the original list is old and inaccurate - that's what I was expecting. If that returned a blank or an N/A I could filter those out and pull a list of roads missing from the original list. I think this may work fine. Will go away and have a look at this and will probably come back tomorrow - as it's getting late UK time.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    Stupid mistake.....found the error. It is in the formula. Using this formula, missing entries in Original List will result in a blank cell.

    Enter this with Ctrl + Shift + Enter

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IFERROR(INDEX('Original List'!$C$2:$C$12,MATCH("R"&"*"&"d"&"*"&RIGHT(A2,1)&"*"&B2,'Original List'!$A$2:$A$12&'Original List'!$B$2:$B$12,0)),"")

    The bold part was missing.

    Using wildcards can be "dangerous" in that there can be unexpected and unwanted results. You can see the rather convoluted use of wildcards in the above formula. It does give results for everything except the missing value. Your real data shouldn't require this....I hope.

    You might want to use the wildcards and if you do, don't forget to make the correction that is in bold. t would have been easier, I think to have been using more "realistic" data....hind-sight!
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    Last edited by newdoverman; 09-13-2014 at 07:42 PM.

  8. #8
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    Quote Originally Posted by newdoverman View Post
    Stupid mistake.....found the error. It is in the formula. Using this formula, missing entries in Original List will result in a blank cell.

    Enter this with Ctrl + Shift + Enter

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IFERROR(INDEX('Original List'!$C$2:$C$12,MATCH("R"&"*"&"d"&"*"&RIGHT(A2,1)&"*"&B2,'Original List'!$A$2:$A$12&'Original List'!$B$2:$B$12,0)),"")

    The bold part was missing.

    Using wildcards can be "dangerous" in that there can be unexpected and unwanted results. You can see the rather convoluted use of wildcards in the above formula. It does give results for everything except the missing value. Your real data shouldn't require this....I hope.

    You might want to use the wildcards and if you do, don't forget to make the correction that is in bold. t would have been easier, I think to have been using more "realistic" data....hind-sight!
    Thanks. Am going to definately take a look at this and run it against some of the real data (and will come back and mark this closed if it works out). I can see the need for wildcards I think - but where I have limited understanding of that side, it's why I tried to go in a different direction when I first looked at this. I'll definately come back on this, have a bit of a busy week at work but think that this will work. Apologies on not using the "realistic" data - given the size of the table at over 2000 lines, and the fact that only aout 10-15% of it was wrong, I found it really difficult to split it down into a managable sized example without posting the full thing online which I would not have been comfortable with. I think I understand enough of the formula that I should be able to re-work it to the actual sheet.

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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    Quote Originally Posted by newdoverman View Post
    You might want to use the wildcards and if you do, don't forget to make the correction that is in bold. t would have been easier, I think to have been using more "realistic" data....hind-sight!
    Totally this. I had a chance to play around with the realistic data during my lunch-break today. The formula behaved inconsistently when I tried to adapt it to the realistic data (e.g. I put a right in on the A2 and B2 on the realistic data and took the first couple of letters with it as well as the way it was laid out for the example gave me some freak results). I think the concept works (I didn't think of the quickest way of doing this straight away - and then I just pasted the first 12 and 13 lines of the realistic data into the example workbook to spot why I was getting odd results) but I think I just need to apply the match constraints better. Will definitely come back on this. Thanks.

  10. #10
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    The wildcard in the original formula will use any value in column A that starts with "Ro". My experiments with the data given in the example file gave unreliable results. That is why I went to a helper column to eliminate the wildcards which are "dangerous" in that they themselves can give strange results.

    With actual road names, you might be ok with the wildcards.

    Road G should have returned a blank cell but it didn't and all returns after that point in the list were not accurate and I don't know why.
    Last edited by newdoverman; 09-13-2014 at 05:55 PM.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    I take it that it is the street names that are giving the problem in the Accurate Date vs the Original Data. There are so many variations possible in the spelling that to try and make a comprehensive formula to take care of everything might verge on the absurd.

    You might be further ahead adding this to the Original List in D2 and copying it down the length of your data:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IF(COUNTIF('Accurate List'!$A$2:$A$13,A2)<1,"XXXXX","")

    This will compare the data in the Original List column A against column A in the Accurate List and the differences identified by the XXXXX. These are the problems. Some will be obvious and some will not. Correct them and then you don't need to use any wild cards in the Accurate data to bring in the data from the Original List.

    The same could be applied to column B.

    In my opinion it is much easier to correct identified errors than it is to code for every possible error that could occur in this case.

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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    Quote Originally Posted by newdoverman View Post
    In my opinion it is much easier to correct identified errors than it is to code for every possible error that could occur in this case.
    Thanks. Apologies for the really late comeback on this - this is almost as much help as the formula (which is helpful as it gives me a different approach). I almost wanted to get a second opinion, on if it would be easier to try and pick this off with a formula or just take the time to pick through the data manually (which I did not fancy as it is going to take days - ironically it may not be my job any more ). I've marked this solved, as the problem I posted was solved - even though it would not work for my actual data (which was completely my fault).

  13. #13
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Attempting to combine two lists

    No apologies necessary. A lot of data errors are spelling mistakes so you can cut into the workload with a spell check and then tackle the rest with a formula and brute force.

    Good luck.

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