At work I have a database that can pull a list of part numbers and other relevant information for a specific product and download them into a delimited .txt file. I use the following procedure to import the data into Excel:
1. Get External Data - From Text
2. Select my text file
3. Select "Delimited" radio button
4. Select "Comma" for Delimiters and " for Text qualifier.
5. Select "Text" for Column data format
Everything works fine except some of the part numbers are automatically converted to Scientific format because they contain an E. For example the part number 45102E0245 (all part numbers have 10 digits) would be converted to 4.5102E+245 upon importing the data. When I try to reformat the cells as Text, the same characters remain. When I try to reformat the cells as Number, it would become 45102 with 241 trailing zeroes.
I just want a list of these 10-digit part numbers, so I can cross-check to other parts lists.