Hey everybody! New to the forums (and this level of programming within Excel), and I think I might need a bit of help.. I tried the search function, but wasn't exactly sure how to describe my issue.. So, apologies if this has been asked 1000 times before me.. Also, sorry if this is in the wrong section too...

So, on to my issue:

I've got two worksheets (Formulas, Diagram)

On the Diagram sheet, I've got (for this example) 3 images displayed, one underneath another. (pic1, pic2, pic3)

On the Formulas sheet, I've got check boxes that should correspond to each picture (check box1 = pic1, etc.).

I'd like to make the images static in location on the Diagram sheet, but be removed or added depending on the state of the associated check box. So, if check box2 is unchecked, pic2 disappears, but pic1 and pic3 stay where they are.

I've found examples of how to dynamically change a picture based on a value within the same cell(if x=0, then red_pic; if x=50, then green_pic; etc.) but I have yet to find an example of my particular situation. Any help would be appreciated.. Even if it's just a link to a different thread, or just saying "Look up functions for 'x' conditional statements and go from there."

Thanks guys!!