I am not sure if its right to post it here or in the formulas section, but here is what i am trying to do.
I have 2 sheets, Sheet "BillabilityProductivity Report" shows the billability percentage per month and the total productivity per month. All figures in the per month should come from the Resource Management Sheet.
1. Say for the months of June and July in the Billability for Regie, its values will come from the second sheet with the column C filtered with Billable and the date range should be within june and july, and the values to average is Column BD for the billable criteria.
2. Productivity on 1st sheet will total the billable and non billable for a given month.
3. I should also be able to add entries for the projects/campaigns and select billable or not and should reflect in 1st sheet.
I am having issues with the formula that'll add the date range as a criteria. I attached a sample excel.RM1.xlsx