Hello folks!

I am fairly new to Excel. I did study some VBA and functions in school, but haven't used advanced Excel capabilities for some five years now.

The main reason for my writing is the need to automate some functions. I am trying to open an online record shop and the items/products on sale, can be uploaded to Wordpress via CSV file. So I am trying to find a way to make Excel return the right text values at the correct cell.

Main questions which have risen:
- I don't remember a function, which will let me return two text values to one cell.
- how to add pictures to a row.
- haven't found a way to create unique IDs for products. So that Excel would keep record of which have been used and so on, without the need to keep all records fixed in their positions. (Some will be deleted anyway and created in between rows so that they would be alphabetical.

My main goal would be to create a main catalog for my records and then a macro(?) to make the CSV file from that catalog.

There are a lot of tutorials out there, but it is hard for me to find the right one. If someone with experience could point me at the correct function or tutorial, I could easily read and work my way through them.

Thank very much,