I have a spreadsheet that I want to keep the blank rows that seperate the data for asthetic reasons. Can I sort just the rows with data in them and still keep the blank rows where they are?
Thanks for your assistance
I have a spreadsheet that I want to keep the blank rows that seperate the data for asthetic reasons. Can I sort just the rows with data in them and still keep the blank rows where they are?
Thanks for your assistance
I presume you have groups of data separated by blanks and you want to sort within the sets.
I think you can only do this by sorting each set of rows individually - Excel would not know where to put blanks otherwise
Always learning, but never enough!
I have an idea, but don't know much about changing the filter settings. So perhaps you know.Originally Posted by EdMac
Is it possible to have it filter for things in common?
For example, you have 2 variations of inputs, and create a 3rd.
a, b
The idea being that you would make the "blank" row a, b and change the font color to make it appear hidden.
Then when you select either a, or b, it could also recognize either value in the "blank" and leave that in the chart? The challenge would be if there were a lot of variations, then that blank cell would need to contain all of them.
Difficult to visualise what you want to achieve - can you post an example? You need to ZIP it first
Here is a model of what I mean for the filter allowing the "blank" rows. Maybe it's better to refer to them as the universal value row?
I don't think that what you want is possible (I'm not sure what purpose it serves either).
Perhaps if you were to describe the problem you want to solve, there might be another way to achieve it.
Here is the worksheet I need to sort and keep the blank rows where they are. Any suggestions on how to do this better?
Keep i nmind this is to display golf scores as they are coming in so it will be updated throughout the day.
the simplest way is to reference cells on another sheet
do your sorting on the other sheet.
see sheet 2
I had an idea and I think I have the code that works. I created a series number column and used Ctrl down to find where the data ranges and blank lines were, then numbered each set as a series. It let me sort within the data sets and keep the blank lines exactly where they were.
Sub SortBySeries() Dim FinalRow As Long Dim i As Long Dim RangeEnd As Long Dim RangeStart As Long Dim BlankSwitch As Boolean 'determines last row of data in the desired range Range("a1048576").Select Selection.End(xlUp).Select FinalRow = Selection.Row Range("a:a").Insert shift:=xlToRight Range("b2").Select i = 2 Range("a1").Value = 1 BlankSwitch = False 'creates a column with the series number for each set of data Do While ActiveCell.Row < FinalRow If BlankSwitch = False Then 'tests for single line of data in the range, which will mess up the system If ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value <> 0 Then RangeStart = Selection.Row Selection.End(xlDown).Select RangeEnd = Selection.Row BlankSwitch = True Else 'numbering in filled range RangeStart = Selection.Row RangeEnd = Selection.Row BlankSwitch = True End If Else 'numbering in range with no data RangeStart = Selection.Row + 1 Selection.End(xlDown).Select RangeEnd = Selection.Row - 1 BlankSwitch = False End If Range("a" & RangeStart, "a" & RangeEnd).Value = i i = i + 1 Loop 'sorts by series number to preserve blank rows and related data, then by 2 other criteria Cells.Select ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Sort.SortFields.Clear ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("A:A"), _ SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("E:E"), _ SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("H:H"), _ SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Sort .SetRange Range("A1:P" & FinalRow) .Header = xlYes .MatchCase = False .Orientation = xlTopToBottom .SortMethod = xlPinYin .Apply End With End Sub
Hello everyone,
I wanted to ask something as well i am trying to create a macro that sorts rows based on value of 2 columns, but every time that value changes in either of them to leave an empty row between them.
Is that possible? In simple words i want to separate my rows and sorting them out alphabetically.
Kind regards, Andriano
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