I run Excel 2007 with Windows 7.
I have an Excel spreadsheet listing all withdrawal transactions from a bank account-- including checks, credit card charges and online payments. From this "master" spreadsheet I would like to be able to separate these three types of withdrawals into three separate spreadsheets. The second cell in every row of the master spreadsheet of several hundred rows mentions "check" or "card" or "online pmt" and I have no trouble filtering these three kinds of transactions out, using the Autofilter feature. It works perfectly to produce a spreadsheet showing only one kind of each of these three transactions.
THEN I'M STUCK-- I can't find a way to copy the filtered data and paste it into a new spreadsheet so that it can be used as can data in any other Excel spreadsheet. Every time I try to copy and paste a display of filtered data from the master spreadsheet to a new blank spreadsheet, I get an IMAGE of all the filtered data-- an IMAGE but not actual data that one can manipulate, make calculations with, apply formulae to, etc. If one tries to treat this image containing the filtered data as if it were a genuine spreadsheet, one quickly learns one has created not a spreadsheet as one hoped but instead merely a picture of the filtered spreadsheet. Trying to select, copy, paste or delete "cells" in this image is impossible, I gather because cells as such do not exist in this image. The "data" do not exist-- just a replica of the data.
I don't know how well I've managed to explain my problem but I can't believe I'm the only person who has experienced it. Of what value is the Autofilter feature if one cannot copy filtered data, paste it elsewhere and manipulate it independently of the original spreadsheet? Somewhere there must be a solution to this problem. I just have not found it yet. My thanks in advance to anyone who can advise me on this.