I am not sure if I need a number of different formulas or if there is a multiple formula that can do what I am looking to do.

I have a spread sheet which contains a number of worksheets. Each one representing a sales person. In that worksheet the table contains which company they have sold too and what the prices were achieved to that company and category.

I want the last worksheet to be able to use a drop down list to pick the person that I am look for (vlookup or index match?). Then pick which month (vlookup or index match?) and then which category (vlookup or index match?). I am then wanting the formulas or formula to return the right persons date from the respective worksheet.

I am thinking that there is a number of index/match element plus a count element and a sum element but I am not sure if I am correct in my thinking and if so how it all pulls together.

I have attached a copy to try and show you want I am trying to achieve

sales spreadsheet.xlsx

For the rules I have tried to explain this on another site (http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-q...-combined.html) but I have not been able to put attach on and I am not sure if I explained it right. Someone told me that if you post same topic on two sites the rules say you have to say.