For your first problem, try this:
Set up a table somewhere out of the way on your sheet like this:
Then with your data like:
In cell B1 enter the formula:
=VLOOKUP(LEFT(A1,FIND(". ",A1,1)-1),$AA$1:$AB$10,2,)&"."&VLOOKUP(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(". ",A1)-1),$AA$1:$AB$10,2,)
Note that it is a period and a space that separates the numbers, not just a period.
For the second part of your problem, the quickest is a UDF or Macro.
But before you can use these examples, you have to remove all the Space Characters in your string.
You can do this with a simple Search/Replace
Search for a Space
Replace with nothing
Then, there are several different examples here for inserting a space before a Capital Letter,
that should get you what your looking for.