Hi again!
I need to open a pdf file in Excel. I've been googling it for about 3 hrs now and can't find any help. I'm working with Adobe Reader 10.lnk and Excel 2010. Most of the solutions I've found have you downloading something but I can't do that on my work computer. A lot of them also require Adobe Acrobat, which I don't have and am not likely to get any time soon.
Is it even possible to do this? I really need to compare this report to another report, and, since each report is around 1600 lines, it's a real pain to do manually!!
I've tried getting the data into Word, then into Excel, then doing text to columns, but it totally loses all formatting and messes up the columns. Same thing happens if I use the Import Wizard in Excel.
I can't seem to edit the text in the pdf document to remove sensitive data, so I've use the snipping tool to take a picture of the top part of the report and then hidden what I needed to. So, here is the original report's format:
Any help will be greatly appreciated!