I am looking for a solution to my budgeting dilemma. I'm somewhat experienced with Excel (2007) and I am working on a household budget. Here's the issue:
I am responsible for my nuclear family's budget, as well as for my in-laws who have moved in with us and split some of the bills with us.
I've got all of our bills listed and the amounts due and owing, and a column for whose expense it is (DH (us), AB (them) and SPLIT (for the bills we split 50/50)).
I'd like to figure out how to have one master page with all of the bills and income for the entire household, and then have data pulled through to a separate page for each group. Ideally, the data pulled from SPLIT expenses would be split in half to show the amount owed by each group), and have it added to the individual group's total due. Hopefully, then I can make a print-out to hand to my in-laws showing what bills they need to pay, how much and to whom.
Is this possible and how do I make it 'go'?
Any help would be most appreciated.