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How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.

  1. #1
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    How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.

    Morning all.

    What I'm looking at doing is taking a data range that consists of rows of names and columns of week numbers with each week of the year holding a value for if that name has achieved a target, say a 1 or 0. so along these lines..

    WK1 WK2 WK3 WK4
    Andy 1 0 0 1
    Bob 0 0 0 1
    Charlie 0 1 1 0

    What I'm then looking to do is then generate a report from this that just pulls the data from that range to populate columns that show the results of the last 4 weeks, but have those columns automatically update as the week number increments so that only the data range needs updating and noone needs to touch anything else. ie. in a week 20 it'll show the weeks 15-19 etc.

    Bad news is work only has an archaic version of Office 97 on hand which it would need to be compatible with. In principal this seems like it ought to be a fairly simple thing to do, I'm thinking something VLOOKUP related, but maybe I'm being overly hopeful..


  2. #2
    Forum Expert cbatrody's Avatar
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    Re: How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.


    Welcome to the Forum.

    I have created a template based on the description provided by you. Please see if this suits your requirement (file attached). I have used INDEX & MATCH functions to achieve the desired result.


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  3. #3
    Forum Guru sktneer's Avatar
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    Re: How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.

    Please find the attached sheet to see if this works as per your requirement.
    There are three formulas on Sheet2.

    In A2
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    and then copy down.

    In B1
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    and then copy across to E1.

    In B2
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    and then copy across to E2 and down.

    On sheet1 increase the weeknum on row 1 and input data below for those weeknum to see if the correct data is reflected on sheet2 as per your requirement.
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  4. #4
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    Re: How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.


    Thanks, that does the job just fine and I can expand on that from there. I thought there'd be a relatively simple way to do it but I'm not familiar enough with Excels command list at present. Rep added!

    sktneer, 97 wouldn't load your file up unfortunately, something broke when it tried to convert it but thankyou anyway for the attempt to help.


  5. #5
    Forum Guru sktneer's Avatar
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    Re: How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.

    Glad that you issue is resolved. Thanks for the feedback.
    Please mark your thread as Solved by selecting Thread Tools --> Mark thread as solved.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.

    Here is sktneer's file edited to be able to be used in your version of Excel. The only things wrong with the file was the number of columns addressed in the original file and the file format that the file was saved under. As data is entered on the first worksheet the second worksheet updates automatically as you requested.

    Nice work sktneer!
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  7. #7
    Forum Guru sktneer's Avatar
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    Re: How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.

    Thanks for providing further assistance to the OP.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: How to autopopulate columns on one sheet from a data range on another.


    You're welcome. The formula itself was good but it covered too much "territory" for the old version of Excel.

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