I am trying to populate a worksheet that takes information from a table on another worksheet. I have to match three columns and show multiple entries for each correct match. Attached is a sample worksheet.

The information should be on the "Invoice" sheet. The cells in green are what will be given. The cells in yellow are what should be grabbed from table 1 on "June Sands Tracking Sheet"

The delivery date, Customer and truck number are the given fields.

from there I want it to search the table and populate "Truck BOL #","Sand Yard","Time In Staging", "Time Out of Location", and "Sand Type"

I tried this formula in the BOL # column but it wouldn't work
=IF(OR(C10={"",""}),"",IF(COUNTIFS(Table1[Delivery Date],$B$7,Table1[Truck '#],$E$7)=0,"No Entry",IFERROR(INDEX(Table1[BOL'#],SMALL(IF(Table1[Delivery Date]=$B$7,IF(Table1[Truck '#]=$E$7,ROW(Table1[BOL'#])-MIN(ROW(Table1[BOL'#]))+1)),ROWS(C$11:C19))),"")))

any help is greatly appreciated.
