I'm looking at having a league table with 3 different criteria. The criteria I want to 'sort' my table by are, in order:
Points (Column E)
Tie Breaker Question (Column G)
Alphabetical by Player Name (Column D)
The basis of the table is that there is a rank on points. Highest number of points means highest position. If there happens to be 2 teams on the same number of points, then the tie breaker answer comes into play. The lowest the number is in column G the better.
Should the points total, and tie breaker question BOTH be the same, then I would like to 'sort' the league by alphabetical order on player name.
I am able to do a simple rank on points total, but not sure how to rank on LOWEST numerical value of column G ONLY if the points total is the same. Additionally, I don't know how to 'sort' by alphabetical order ONLY if column E and Column G are the same as another team.
Anyway able to give me an idea of how to do this?