I'm not really sure what that formula is meant to do. If I take out the external workbook references, create sheets for each period, and spread the formula out, it doesn't seem to make sense.
You appear to have 12 individual self contained IF functions back to back:
IF($A$2=1, 'Period 1'!$A13, 0)
That says: "If cell A2 is 1, then use the value from cell A13 on worksheet Period 1, otherwise use the value zero (0)" ... times 12 periods.
(IF($A$2=1, 'Period 1'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=2, 'Period 2'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=3, 'Period 3'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=4, 'Period 4'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=5, 'Period 5'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=6, 'Period 6'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=7, 'Period 7'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=8, 'Period 8'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=9, 'Period 9'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=10, 'Period 10'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=11, 'Period 11'!$A13, 0))
(IF($A$2=12, 'Period 12'!$A13, 0)))
I don't see how that's going to work.
I think you probably need something like:
=INDIRECT("'Period " & $A$2 & "'!$A13")
Just add the external workbook reference back in.
Regards, TMS