I have a spreadsheet which has two columns of data and a formula, "IF(ISERROR(MATCH(V3,Z:Z,0)),"Not Found",ADDRESS(MATCH(V3,Z:Z,0),26,4))" which tests for a match between the cell in Column "V" and the data in Column "Z" and if a match is found, returns the cell address in Column "Z" of the match. I need to take some data from another cell in the same row that the match is in and put it in a cell in the same row as the original data. For example:
the data in Cell "V3" has a match in Cell "Z555". I need to take data from Cell "Y555" and put it in Cell "X3"
the data in Cell "V6" has a match in Cell "Z1117". I need to take the data in Cell "Y1117" and put it in Cell "X6"
Can I do this with a formula? I'm using Excel 2003. Thanx.