I have customer IDs, date, and purchase amounts. I would like a pivot table that would pull out a customer ID and the purchase amount for the latest date. I can't seem to figure this out using pivot table.

Here's an example of my table

ID Date Purchase
1 Jan 2009 $1000
2 Feb 2010 $1500
3 Feb 2010 $500
2 Jan 2011 $1800
3 Feb 2012 $600
3 Oct 2013 $1000
1 Apr 2014 $500

Based on the table above, I would like to extract 3 items for each of the customer ID and the most recent date and purchases. From the example above, it would be

1 Apr 2014 $500
2 Jan 2011 $1800
3 Oct 2013 $1000

How can I do this in a pivot table?