I am looking for a way to autofill a cell on a different tab if the date is filled in. On sheet one in my example, I have a date (column A) that fills in if data is entered in a different cell (column B); The data represents days in this case. What I am looking for is a movable formula that will autofill in the appropriate cell on tab 2 in the correct cell and will move once data is entered on tab 1.
Example: I enter data in cell B7 on Sheet 1, I would like cell B3 on sheet 2 to autofill that number. The next day, a different number will be added in cell B8, I would like the autofill on sheet 2 cell B3 to reflect that change and to continue changing as data has been entered.
Is this possible without using vba? Is there a lookup formula I can use for this?
Thank you for looking, Kevinbacklog example.xlsx