I have been running Excel 2010 and switched to 2013. After switching yesterday, the creation of my tool bar that I do with a start-up macro in my Personal workbook worked just fine. The tool bar, visible when I select Add-Ins on the ribbon showed in both my personal workbook and the "application" workbook where I actually use the tool bar (the macros assigned to the icons). ...all desired. Today for some unknown reason, the tool bar is created successfully ONLY in the Personal workbook. (or at least it's only visible there.) It's not there in the "application" workbook that is the one I initially open. I have tried to change the trust center setting in both the Personal and "application" workbook, but I haven't found settings that fix the problem. I know that the tool bar creation macro is actually running because I have set a stop in the VBA code and then stepped through the execution. We are dead in the water. Can anyone please help? Is there perhaps some change in the VBA parameters when creating a tool bar that says whether the create applies to all open workbooks or to just "this workbook". In playing with the workbooks, once I got it to show the toolbar in the application workbooks (I'm not sure why it happened...but then when I opened the workbooks the next day, the behavior of not showing the tool bar in the application workbook retuened.