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Changing source material from sheet to sheet?

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Changing source material from sheet to sheet?

    I have been working on a workbook that uses as a source information on Sheet 1.

    Sheet 1

    Each item reports a number of different details from column A to column BY.

    Each row is for a different item.

    25 rows of information.

    Sheet 2

    This is my master formula sheet, the one I've been using to create the page that reports and formulates information on a single item. The source for this sheet is taken from the cells in Sheet1!Row2.

    Now that I have the sheet pretty much finished, I want to paste the same report on each succeeding page for a total of 25 sheets. I can copy Sheet2 and paste into each successive sheet, but then I need to change every single formula so that where it said AT2 it changes to AT3, where it was H2, H3, etc., from A to BY.

    Problem: Can I use something that will automatically take the information for succeeding sheets and take as its source the succeeding row from the source page?

    I don't know that I'm describing that sufficiently, so:

    Sheet 3 would take as its source Sheet1, row 3.
    Sheet 4 would take as its source Sheet1, row 4.
    Sheet 5 would take as its source Sheet1, row 5.
    Sheet 6 would take as its source Sheet1, row 6.

    Etc., etc.

    In the past I used the find/replace function, but this sheet seems way too complicated for that. As an example, one cell alone on my master sheet is


    so I would need to change S2 to S3 everywhere it appears, but there are probably more than a hundred places on the sheet that I'd have to manually change 2s to 3s, etc., for 25 sheets, which is why I'm wondering if there isn't a better way than going cell by cell, sheet by sheet. There's GOT to be a better way. (I would think. I would hope.)

    Thank you for reading, and thank you, in advance, for any advice given. Much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Changing source material from sheet to sheet?

    It would be easier to help if you could attach a sample of your workbook. Remember to remove/replace sensitive data before uploading.
    Trish in Oz
    A problem well defined is a puzzle half solved

    If you attach a sample of your workbook it will be easier to find a solution. Remember to remove/replace sensitive data before uploading the file. Look here if you need help with attachments:

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