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Nearest neighbour limited by point type

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    Question Nearest neighbour limited by point type

    Hi all,

    I have a list of x and y xoordinates all with a respective ID and point type (either "RO" or "RP"). I wish to define the nearest other point by ID for every point but I wish to limit this calculation to only points of the opposite type. That is, if I have point ID 315 which is of RO type, I wish to find the nearest point that is of RP type, and visa-versa.

    So far through reading many forums and posts and spending quite some time editing I have managed to create a solution for finding the nearest other point but not limit this to the opposite point type. My scenario is as follows...

    M N O P Q
    1 RO 311 478113 6771180 312
    2 RO 312 478105 6771179 ?
    3 RO 313 478096 6771178 ?
    4 RP 314 478088 6771177 ?
    5 RP 315 478080 6771176 ?
    6 RP 316 478071 6771175 ?

    Where... M=Type, N=ID, O=X-coordinate, P=Y-coordinate, Q=Nearest Point

    The table shown consists of cells M1:Q7 but the entire table I wish to select from will pontentially be M1:Q1000. Obviously I cannot have 312 as the nearest ID to 311 as it must be of RP type. Please note that the table shown shows rounded coordinates, the spreadsheet I use has the exact coordinate to 6 decimal places. The formula I have used to establish the Nearest ID as used in Q2 is as follows.

    Formula: copy to clipboard

    Although it may be considered quite a complex formula I am still only learning the ropes of excel. I must acknowledge all sources that have helped me get this far but would just like the finishing touch to have it do what I need. I have considered a macro however the spreadsheet I am producing, for reasons beyond my control is required to be without a macro. Im sure that it is probably just a simple IF statement that needs to be inserted but I am not sure where and how.

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind Regards,
    Last edited by Spicey_888; 05-08-2014 at 08:39 AM. Reason: Solved

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