problem is that
i want the following results
fshfdhfd 458
rfas 85412
rs 321845
what is the farmula to saprate nums and char in a cell
problem is that
i want the following results
fshfdhfd 458
rfas 85412
rs 321845
what is the farmula to saprate nums and char in a cell
Hi, welcome to the forum :0
See this...
Rudi's formula works, except that if there's a zero in the sequnce, it appears in the text column and the numbers column. Add another nest of substitutes and it works perfectly.
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Is there a more elegant way of doing this, though??
Hi Glen,
TX for that addition.
As for a more elegant way....I'd say by using VBA and creating a user defined function.
a couple of VBA methods...
- i.s.z -
CSE, aka Array aka { }, formulae are confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.
Replace commas ( , ) with semicolons ( ; ) in formulae, if your locale setting demands.
All good ideas are courtesy resources from this forum as well as others around the web.
- e.o.m -
Here are a couple of formulas (with limitations).
Data Range
A B C 2 fsh45fdh8fd fshfdhfd 458 3 rfas85412 rfas 85412 4 r321s845 rs 321845
The length of the string must be <=300 characters.
The total number of digits in the string must be <=14 digits.
Note that the extracted numbers are a TEXT string even though they look like numbers. This is necessary to keep any leading zeros.
This will not work in Excel versions 2003 and earlier.
Create this named formula.
Goto the Formulas tab>Define name
Name: Array
Refers to: =ROW(INDIRECT("A1:A300"))
OK out
Enter this formula in B2:
Enter this array formula** in C2:
** array formulas need to be entered using the key
combination of CTRL,SHIFT,ENTER (not just ENTER).
Hold down both the CTRL key and the SHIFT key
then hit ENTER.
Select B2:C2 and copy down as needed.
These formula may work but I think something like this is best done using VBA functions.
Microsoft MVP Excel
Keep It Simple Stupid
Let's Go Pens. We Want The Cup.
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