After nearly 10 years I'm guessing the OP isn't interested any longer, but in case anyone else happens along... Please know that this has no error checking, and no conditional test as the OP needs, but I had a similar situation where I wanted to add colored text to every cell in a selection. This is what worked for me.
Sub AddGreen7()
' Add Green "(7)" Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+g
Dim rArea As Range
Dim lCurrentRow As Long
Dim lCurrentCol As Long
Dim y
For Each rArea In Selection.Areas
For lCurrentRow = 1 To rArea.Rows.Count
For lCurrentCol = 1 To rArea.Columns.Count
With rArea.Cells(lCurrentRow, lCurrentCol)
y = Len(.Value)
.Value = .Value & "(7)"
.Characters(Start:=y + 1).Font.Color = -11489280
End With
Next lCurrentCol
Next lCurrentRow
Next rArea
End Sub