
I'm a newbie to the forum and am entirely self-taught in excel. While I've wound up with a better-than-the-average-amateur skill set, I'm stumped on a formula I'm trying to get to work.

I'm attempting to get a product based on input from another cell which may be variable. For example, the information may appear as (2 digits)*(2 digits) or (2 digits)*(1 digit) or (1 digit)*(1 digit). In other words, 12x10, 12x8, or 8x8. I was able to get as far as

=IF(ISERROR(LEFT(C22,2)*RIGHT(C22,2)),LEFT(C22,2)*RIGHT(C22,1), LEFT(C22,2)*RIGHT(C22,2))

but haven't been able to construct a statement that will allow me the additional step(s) of calculating if the input is "8x8" or "8x12." I had attempted


but I know I'm missing something.

My worksheet relies on information input by others, so 12x8 sometimes appears as 8x12, so I'm hoping to include a rule for that, as well.

Any assistance is incredibly appreciated.

Thank you!