Dear sir
I have a contact life in excel file.... how can I filter number who are register with there any way I can filter who are using whats app
Dear sir
I have a contact life in excel file.... how can I filter number who are register with there any way I can filter who are using whats app
Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to make it clear what is needed. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are demonstrated, mock them up manually if needed. Remember to desensitize the data.
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Alan עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי
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this is my sample file....I have thousands of contact...I want to know which number are using whats app.. or may be which number are register with whatsapp
I can't really see what you are after. Your picture shows a number, a name and another number and that's it.....what do you expect to get? What identifies Whatsapp entries?
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You will need to identify in some manner, those people in your list that are using WhatsApp otherwise, Excel will not be able to filter them for you.
If you read Alan's post properly, he asked for a sample WORKBOOK, not picture. Upload a sample of your workbook, showing what data you are working with, a few samples of your expected outcome is (manually entered is ok) and how you arrived at that. (exclude sensitive info). Pictures are pretty much impossible to edit, and no-one wants to re-type your data for youAlso, not all members can upload picture files (Company firewalls and stuff)
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if you use whataspp.... and just think that I have your number in my list then how can I filer out it.....
That You tube made no sense at all. There was no sound and the picture was so blurry that I could not determine what was going on. It did not look at all like an Excel issue. Still don't understand what you want from us here at Excel Forum. Please try to explain in simple English.
sorry sir...
But I am not a programmer.. But I tell you what I want.... I am working in Bank.... and I got a huge mobile contact list of customers from my boss. i think its 250 thousand... and I need to know out of 250 thousand customer how many people are using whatsapp..... how can I know that... is there any way in VBA that can find out from whatsapp server who is register number
Suggest you contact WhatsApp. Excel may be able to determine that but the WhatsApp programmers will have to provide you with an interface. Do you have access rights to the WhatsApp server with your PC? That would be the first step and that is a WhatsApp issue, not an Excel issue.
Hi, check this out for WhatsApp filtering of contacts
Hope this helps!
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