Hi I need help with formula to add the following values.
Column A (Date) Column B (Hours) Column C (Hrs)
1. 1/1/2014 3 3
2. 1/2/2014 8 0
3. 1/2/2014 4 12
4. 1/3/2014 8 8
5. 1/5/2014 5 0
6. 1/5/2014 4 9
The idea is that those values in column b can be anything but if the date is repeated and then both of the values (Column B) for the dates should be added and placed in column C. I have a formula working and gives me the total but it also shows the value as is for the 2nd date as well.
This is what I get....and its wrong.
Formula I used - =IF(A1=A2,B1+B2,B2)
Column A (Date) Column B (Hours) Column C (Hrs)
1. 1/1/2014 3 3
2. 1/2/2014 8 8
3. 1/2/2014 4 12
4. 1/3/2014 8 8
5. 1/5/2014 5 5
6. 1/5/2014 4 9
Can someone help please...TY