The date in column C is dependent on the formula that you use. I just drop that formula in and convert the result to a value. If you want to see what formula is going in there, comment out the ".Value = .Value" line of code. You can then evaluate the formula.
That said, I just selected cell A2 and pressed F2 (to go into Edit mode) and then Enter (to recommit the value [Manchester]) and it generated the date value.
The code doesn't actually disable Event handling because it doesn't make any changes on the sheet where the event is being trapped. I note that you have spelt "True" as "Ture" both in your post and in the code:
'Closes the file
.Close Ture
I guess the reason that you are having problems changing the headings is that the Change Event handler is monitoring the entire columns A to D. Open the workbook without enabling macros, make the changes to your headings and then save the workbook. Open it again, this time enabling macros.
Note: what is happening is that the code uses a variable, tr, for the Target Row. Because the csv doesn't have headers, the row is adjusted using the variable trm1 ... Target Row Minus 1. So, if you try to change row 1 on the Template sheet, the code is trying to write to row 0 which doesn't exist.
Regards, TMS