I am working on a spreadsheet in Excel 2007 and have come upon a problem that I am unable to solve.

I am attempting to copy Column B, which is entirely rows of names of people, and paste it into a new column I

When I SELECT and COPY text there are little moving lines that appear around the selected text.
They look like marching ants.

In my current spreadsheet, when I SELECT and COPY Column B, each row of text in the column is selected individually (multiple selections), rather that the entire column being selected with the "marching ants" around the perimeter of the column.

I did try to do a print screen of this but the moving ants don't show.

When I go to PASTE, I get this error box:

[That command cannot be used on multiple selections]

Unfortunately I can't seem to select the column in a single selection.

I'm pretty sure that I have just pushed a wrong key and reset some feature of Excel 2007 to cause this problem.
Can somebody please help me with this?
I am stuck.
