Hi all,
this is so frustrating as I have searched the forum , google and anywhere else I can think of to figure out why
my sheets that have external references are not re-calculating until I save and close them.
I have checked that the sheets are set to calculate automatically, trust center is set to calculate external links as
well .
The scenario is global worksheet is opened and it contains 20 tabs all interchanged to individual worksheets.
So If I load sheeta tab "lasst20" and update a row the 1-global sheet whould be updating as soon as "lasst20"
is changed.
It is not happening. I need to save lasst20 and 1-global and when I re-open the 1-global then it has the updated calculations.
I am not even doing any tricky calculations for example a cell in 1-global just has "=SUM('[Amy Fashion.xls]LABHT-600'!$C$3)" etc.
Any ideas on where else I can look ?