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formula for checking multiple values

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  1. #1
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    formula for checking multiple values

    Hi I'm new to the forum, hope I put this I the right place!

    I need some help with a small excel project I'm working on and was hoping some of you could help me on my way!

    The project I'm working on is for checking the measured Valve clearances on 4 cylinder motorbikes
    They have 16 valves in all and I had made a spread sheet which has cells to enter the Min and Max Valve clearances for 8 exhaust and 8 Inlet valves they have different tolerances.

    I have been able to do this part so I am at the point where once the valve gap min and max are entered for the exhaust and inlet valves on Cylinder 1 this changes all the min max gaps for all the other inlet and exhaust valves.

    And once I have measured the gaps and entered the actual valve gap the sheet then tells me if the measured value is in or outside the valve clearance tolerance. And this is all working very well!

    Now the part I'm having the trouble with.
    To save money on buying new shims which is what is used to adjust the valve clearance I swap as many shims that are out of spec on the inlet side to the Exhaust side and vice verse that will bring the valve back into spec.

    Once a shim is found out of spec it must be removed, it's measured and that measurement is entered into the sheet and the sheet then tells me what size shim to replace it with to bring the valve gap back to as close to the centre of the tolerance as possible.
    What I won't the sheet to do that I can't work out how is once all the out of spec shims have been entered I want it to check and tell me which shims can be moved to which valves to bring them back in spec! All valves are numbered from 1 to 16 and cylinder number exhaust and inlet valves.

    Can anyone help me with this

    Sorry for such a long 1st post but I wanted you to understands where I and and what I am trying to do!

    Cheers and thanks in advance for any help!

  2. #2
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    I understand what you are after but if you post a sample workbook it will be easier to help you.
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    I will try and post one when I get home I'm at work now and don't have the file on my phone.

    I will worn you I am not that great with all this programming stuff no formal training just been trial and error with a bit of web searching to find some formulas that suit my purpose so please be kind when you see how I've done what I've done as I'm sure there is a better way of doing it.

    Thanks for the help!

  4. #4
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    dont worry, theres always multiple ways to do things !!!!! - amazing how some of my formulas have been simplified here , with a very simple change - and that was only for a reply i made just yesterday !!!!
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    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    Just waiting for attachment. And post add 1 for etaf, 1 for me!
    Quang PT

  6. #6
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    I'm more thinking what I've done is very simple as I've said really not sure what I'm doing but so far it's working but this next function I want I just don't know where to start with it!

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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    Ok here it is the comment boxes around Cylinder 1 show show what all the Acronyms mean and where what data needs to be entered.

    I have entered some dummy valve gaps and Shim sizes on cylinder 1 Exhaust valves and cylinder 1 Inlet valves to show what is working so far.

    If you look at cell C28 I have input a formula here to check that 1. that valve EC1V1 is out of Spec and 2. That the removed Shim size from cell C14 is a match for valve in Cell C29 which is the shim size needed to put valve INC1V9 back into spec.

    The formula is working if any of the above checks are not met Cell28 prints None meaning no out of spec shims are the right size needed.
    I want this to check all the out of spec valves and measured Removed Shims on both inlet and Exhaust valves and print the valve number which will bring the valve gap closest to the target valve Gap.
    and then continue on to match all out of spec valves to replace each other where possible.
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  8. #8
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    Quote Originally Posted by AnthK7 View Post
    Ok here it is the comment boxes around Cylinder 1 show show what all the Acronyms mean and where what data needs to be entered.

    I have entered some dummy valve gaps and Shim sizes on cylinder 1 Exhaust valves and cylinder 1 Inlet valves to show what is working so far.

    If you look at cell C28 I have input a formula here to check that 1. that valve EC1V1 is out of Spec and 2. That the removed Shim size from cell C14 is a match for valve in Cell C29 which is the shim size needed to put valve INC1V9 back into spec.

    The formula is working if any of the above checks are not met Cell28 prints None meaning no out of spec shims are the right size needed.
    I want this to check all the out of spec valves and measured Removed Shims on both inlet and Exhaust valves and print the valve number which will bring the valve gap closest to the target valve Gap.
    and then continue on to match all out of spec valves to replace each other where possible.
    I've got a bit of an idea for this just want to ran it past you all!

    As I have it working for one valve if I do the same thing for all the valves using the same formula but have all valve shims that come back positive for a one given valve print into a hidden group of cells which I can then create a sum that will pick the closest shim to the target shim gap and print it in the valve that needs it.
    Does this sound like it could work!
    Or is there a way I can use a sum to just check all the shim sizes and print the one that's closest to the target shim needed.
    Also going to need a way that once a shim has been printed as a replacement for an out of spec shim that it is not selected again for another valve that it could be used for I have no idea how I could do that but going to need that!
    Any ideas?

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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    This task certainly appeals to me and I would liket to give it a go but I'm short on time at the moment. I'll see what the weekend can bring.

  10. #10
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    I looked at it but it's not as easy as it seems. I think VBA is needed.

  11. #11
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    What's VBA sorry but I'm very new to all this!

  12. #12
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    do you throw away your used shims if they don't fit into another cylindre or do you keep them for a next time ? Then it's only a matter of creating a table with all your available shims now and add there the shims that are now out of specs. All this shims can then be assigned to another valve using a VBA-algoritme.
    What I don't understand is that you sometimes want to remove a shim that is OK, because it fits better in another one. Do you always want to do this ?

    Can you give an example with data of all your valves and if you reuse older shims (from previous maintenances) their dimensions.
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    I don't throw away old shims, I keep them in case I need them the next time.

    In only swap shims from valves that are out of spec anyway normally if an inlet valve is out and an exhaust valve is out I can sometime get them both back in spec buy swapping them but if the valves that are still in spec are only in buy .01 or .02mm and I have to change other shim anyway I'm better off bringing all blab gaps back to the middle of the max min range as I have to remove the cam shafts anyway so then I may as well swap any shims around to get as meany valves as I can as close to the target gap as I can! And then only buy the shim that I need.

    The way I want it to work is if I enter a value for a removed shim then I'm not happy with the gap on that valve so that shim can be used to bring another valve that out back into spec.
    If there's no removed shim measurement in any of the valves it means that valve is in spec and I'm happy with the gap so I haven't removed the shim from the engine to measure it.
    I only have to measure the Shim if when I measure valve gap it out of spec then the shim on thy valve mast be removed and measured so I can workout what size shim needs to go back in to bring the valve gap back into spec.

    I have know idea what a VBA is?

    I could fill in the whole sheet in but most valves are going to be the same or only .1 - .15 difference

  14. #14
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values


    On the inlet valves shoudn't the tolerance be .18+/-.05 ???

    And, what is it that you need that you don't already have??

    *it looks as though you'll need to bore Cylinder 1 Inlet???

    How about:

    Last edited by xladept; 03-25-2014 at 01:10 PM.
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  15. #15
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    No that's the gap my manual states for the inlet valves they are a different gap to the exhaust valves

    I want all the valves that are out of spec to check the shim size of all the other out of spec valves and print the the name of the out of spec valve like I have done on the 1st exhaust valve.
    that will get the say the 1st exhaust valve gap as close to the target gap as possible and then go on doing the same for each out of spec valve.

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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    Here is my interpretation of a future work sequence

    AnthK7 does the following:
    - measures all the clearances and enters them into the Excel sheet
    - hits the "Rearrange shims" -button and an Excel (VBA) algorithm shuffles the shims around on the sheet and puts them in a new places where they can bring a valve into spec (valves that are to spec shall not be changed!)

    AnthK7 then physically rearranges the shims accordingly.
    The shims that could not be recycled is physically put back in a sortiment box.

    The valves that are still in need of new shims and the shim sizes needed are of course also indicated in the sheet. AnthK7 again looks at the sheet and retrieves the shims indicated as missing. Physically installs the retrieved shims in the correct position. Done.

  17. #17
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    This macro is way over my head mate and I'm having trouble trying to follow it!

  18. #18
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    I'm asking myself what the desired values without rounding should be.
    I think :
    the desired thickness = actual thickness - actual clearance + (min clearance + max clearance)/2
    the tolerance = (max clearance - min clearance)/2
    so if another valve is in this range then it' ok, are is this assumption wrong ?

    this macro isn't finished yet
    Sub SwapMyValves()
      Dim a, c As Range, Scal As Object, Dict As Object, i1%, i2%, delta As Double
      Set Dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
      With Dict
        For Each c In Sheets("sheet1").Range("A7,A20").EntireRow.SpecialCells(xlConstants)  'my valve names
          If c.Column > 2 Then
            If c.Offset(2).Value = "OUT Of SPEC" Then
              .Item(c.Value) = Array(c.Value, c.Offset(7).Value, c.Offset(7).Value - c.Offset(1).Value + 0.5 * (c.Offset(4).Value + c.Offset(5).Value), 0.5 * (c.Offset(5).Value - c.Offset(4).Value))  'array with valve name, actual shim tickness, desired tickniss
            End If
          End If
        a = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(.items, 0, 0)))
      End With
      Set Scal = CreateObject("system.collections.arraylist")
      With Scal
        For i1 = 1 To UBound(a)                                'loop for the new shim
          For i2 = 1 To UBound(a)                              'loop for the desired shim
            delta = Abs(a(i1, 2) - a(i2, 3)) + Rnd / 100000    'difference between new shim and desired shim
            If delta <= a(i1, 4) Or 1 Then                     'within tolerance
              .Add Join$(Array(Format(delta, "00.000000000"), a(i1, 1), a(i1, 2), a(i2, 1), a(i2, 3)), "|")
            End If
        a = .toarray
      End With
      With Sheets("sheet2").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(a))
        .Value = Application.Transpose(a)
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        .TextToColumns other:=1, otherchar:="|"
      End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by bsalv; 03-25-2014 at 06:49 PM.

  19. #19
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values


    The reason for the rounding is that the shims don't come in all sizes the ones I buy only come in increments of 0.05mm that is why I rounded up so after the formula calculates the shims needed it then prints a actual shim size I can buy or that which would be in the bike!

  20. #20
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    ok, that's a practical reason.
    Otherwise is the formula above correct ? (for a moment forget the rounding).
    I think the + and the - must be reversed
    the min thickness = actual thickness - actual clearance + min clearance
    the max thickness = actual thickness - actual clearance + max clearance

  21. #21
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    Re: formula for checking multiple values

    Quote Originally Posted by bsalv View Post
    ok, that's a practical reason.
    Otherwise is the formula above correct ? (for a moment forget the rounding).
    I think the + and the - must be reversed
    the min thickness = actual thickness - actual clearance + min clearance
    the max thickness = actual thickness - actual clearance + max clearance
    What I done on the sheet I posted goes C17(this is the actual anwser before rounding) = Measured Valve Clearance - max clearance + Removed shim thickness. C8-C12+C14

    C17 is then divided buy 0.05 D17 rounded up to the nearest 0.05 D18 and then * by .05 C16

    the in or out of spec is worked out by a separate formula
    =IF(AND(C8>=C11, C8<=F11), "IN SPEC","OUT Of SPEC")

    and sorry the inlet valve spec was right but I had not done the formula for the target Gap yet.

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