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Array/Index/Match/small formulas- creating a quick search

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    Array/Index/Match/small formulas- creating a quick search

    I am trying to build a calculator spreadsheet that calculates out the time and date a vendor will respond to a service call. I have two vendors that have multiple answers based on the severity/urgency. I have all that figured out and it is working well... My issue is I want to include a quick search on the Entry page that will simplify the filtering by looking at the issue and return all possible values. For instance. In cell A9, the search text is Monitors. I want excel to list all matching values for monitors in the tab "NCR" (A16-D206), and return all possible issues with monitors, and the corresponding severity in columns B-D. I looked at the microsoft website, and I keep getting errors that I have entered too many search functions when I write the formula.... so I must be doing something wrong.

    Same with the TOLT quick search. I want to be able to type the issue and have excel list all possible matches and severity.

    Any help or direction anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

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