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Conditional formatting not reacting

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saudi_red_neck Conditional formatting not... 03-25-2014, 07:45 AM
Bernie Deitrick Re: Conditional formatting... 03-25-2014, 09:02 AM
Jonmo1 Re: Conditional formatting... 03-25-2014, 09:45 AM
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    Conditional formatting not reacting

    Hello friends,

    Please open the attachment, I made a macro that works fine, it basically copies row/range 14 and pastes to 15,16 etc. there is no problem here.

    The conditional formatting is driving me crazy. It is not working! I need two things please:
    A. If one of the cells in the range G14 to AK14 = cell C14, then that box should be in red.
    B. Also the rows 15 and beyond should do the same depending on the value (date) on column C.
    With B, every time I copy&paste ranges G14 to AK14 and paste them onto row 15 (16, 17, etc), the cell value of the rule description stays at C14, when it should change with the new pasted row number.

    Your generous efforts are really appreciated!

    Thanks in advance.
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