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Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

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  1. #1
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    Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    The solution I would like to achieve is as follows:

    1. I enter a start date in a cell (say A1)
    2. I enter an end date in a cell (say A2)
    3. I enter a sum of money in a cell (say A3)
    4. Excel calculates the interest on the sum of money (A3) for the period between the dates in cells A1 and A2 compounding the interest at dates when the interest rate changes.

    The interest rate information is based on the Bank of Engalnd Base Rate information as follows:

    Date Rate
    03/08/06 4.75%
    09/11/06 5.00%
    11/01/07 5.25%
    10/05/07 5.50%
    05/07/07 5.75%
    06/12/07 5.50%
    07/02/08 5.25%
    10/04/08 5.00%
    08/10/08 4.50%
    06/11/08 3.00%
    04/12/08 2.00%
    08/01/09 1.50%
    05/02/09 1.00%
    05/03/09 0.50%

    So, by way of an example:

    If I have a start date of 01/01/09 and an end date of 10/02/09 and a sum of £1,000; Excel would:

    1. recognise that 01/01/09 (start) falls between 04/12/08 and 08/01/09 and calculate interest on the £1,000 for the period 01/01/09 (start) to 07/01/09 at 2%, calculate interest on the sum from 08/01/09 to 05/02/09 at 1.5% and calculate interest from 06/02/09 to 10/02/09 (end) at 1%.

    Whether there is a single formula or the answer is linked to another sheet where the calculation takes place I don't mind. For instance, the calculation could take place line by line against the dates / rates above but how would I get the start and finish date to 'slot' into the above list.

    Any help appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Re: Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    Try the attached - I assumed (probably not correctly, but it will not lead to huge errors) that the interest is compounded daily. And from your dates, I was not able to tell if you were giving MDY or DMY values - none were above 12, which is the usual 'tell'

    Variable Interest Rates.xls
    Bernie Deitrick
    Excel MVP 2000-2010

  3. #3
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    Re: Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    Thanks Bernie. You are a genius.

  4. #4
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    Re: Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    Quote Originally Posted by Topic View Post
    You are a genius.
    You're very welcome! Thanks for the feedback -

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bernie Deitrick View Post
    Try the attached - I assumed (probably not correctly, but it will not lead to huge errors) that the interest is compounded daily. And from your dates, I was not able to tell if you were giving MDY or DMY values - none were above 12, which is the usual 'tell'

    Attachment 305782
    Could someone help me download this workbook?

  6. #6
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    Re: Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    I know this thread is several years old - but it is the only thread I've been able to find (anywhere online, not just on this site) that describes my exact problem.

    My only question is this - is it possible to take this and sort of industrialize it? I'm thinking about trying to nest all of the functions (columns C, D, and E on the rates-calcs tab) because I have a sheet with about 200-500 items that need to be calculated.

    For example, my sheet is looking to calculate interest on advances, matched against a calendar of interest rates (based on LIBOR). Each has an advance date and a repayment date, and they range from several days to several years. Since there is a variable number of them (generally 200-400) would I be better off trying to nest all of your information into a jumbo formula in one cell (haven't started trying yet, might not be possible) or writing a macro that takes each line item and calculates it separately in the sheet similar to yours?

  7. #7
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    Re: Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    I think you would want to use a looping macro to enter the values from a table one by one into the entry sheet, calculate the workbook in full, then copy the result out to the table of values. It would be relatively easy to code, and fairly quick. (Jumbo formulas are much harder to write and maintain....)

  8. #8
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    Re: Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    Agreed. I cobbled this together (in case it helps anyone else, I'm posting it here). I'm not sure if it is the most efficient method, but it works.

    I have a third tab that is a "staging area" which is basically the first tab of your adjustable rate sheet, with a minor adjustment, i.e. negative dates are zeroed, etc., which are relevant to my specific needs.

    Thank you for your input!

    Sub IOA_calc()
    Dim pointer As Integer
    pointer = 5
    Do While Worksheets("Working Area").Range("M" & pointer).Value <> ""
    ' Copy advance date, repay date, and amount, enter into staging sheet
        Range("C" & pointer).Copy
        Sheets("Macro Staging").Select
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
            :=False, Transpose:=False
        Sheets("Working Area").Select
        Range("K" & pointer).Select
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Sheets("Macro Staging").Select
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
            :=False, Transpose:=False
        Sheets("Working Area").Select
        Range("I" & pointer).Select
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Sheets("Macro Staging").Select
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
            :=False, Transpose:=False
    ' Copy resulting IOA calculation, and input into column N in working area sheet
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Sheets("Working Area").Select
        Range("N" & pointer).Select
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
            :=False, Transpose:=False
        Range("N" & pointer).Select
    pointer = pointer + 1
    End Sub

  9. #9
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    Re: Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    This should speed things up - no selecting sheets....

    Sub IOA_calc()
        Dim pointer As Long
        Dim wkWA As Worksheet
        Dim wkMS As Worksheet
        pointer = 5
        Set wkWA = Worksheets("Working Area")
        Set wkMS = Worksheets("Macro Staging")
        Do While wkWA.Range("M" & pointer).Value <> ""
            ' Copy advance date, repay date, and amount, enter into staging sheet
            wkMS.Range("B1").Value = wkWA.Range("C" & pointer).Value
            wkMS.Range("B2").Value = wkWA.Range("K" & pointer).Value
            wkMS.Range("B4").Value = wkWA.Range("I" & pointer).Value
            ' Copy resulting IOA calculation, and input into column N in working area sheet
            wkWA.Range("N" & pointer).Value = wkMS.Range("B6").Value
            pointer = pointer + 1
    End Sub

  10. #10
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: Calculate interest between two dates with varying interest rates in the period

    Hi and welcome. This workbook downloads as usual, once you are a member. Be aware it is an xls file, though.

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