A l B l C
Michael l Michel l
James R l James l
Karl l Karl B l
John W l John W l
Above, everything is merged in. The "l" is supposed to divide each column.
The problem:
I want an iff statement in which will compare data from column A vs column B.
Michael vs Michel - (Mispelled) - Statement: "Mismatch on Name (Michael) vs (Michel)"
James R vs James - (Mismatch) - Statement: "Mismatch: Column A has a suffix"
Karl vs Karl B - (Mismatch) - Statement: "Mismatch: Column B has a suffix"
John W vs John W (Extra spaces) - "Mismatch on Name: Extra Spaces"
For the extra spaces, someone was able to help me with this IFF statement
"IF(AND(TRIM(A1)=TRIM(B1),A1<>B1),"Mismatch on Name: Extra Space","")"
Thank you for your help!