For the formula shown below, currently the beginning and ending dates are referenced from are a vlookup located in cell AH1(2/1/2014) and AH2(2/28/2014). I’m trying to figure out how to make the beginning date static to start on 01/01/2014 and the ending date say the same, as this is for a report that is produced each month but on a year to date basis.
=IFERROR(SUMIFS('Appraisal Services Detail'!$BG:$BG,'Appraisal Services Detail'!$AI:$AI,">="&Beginning_Date,'Appraisal Services Detail'!$AI:$AI,"<="&Ending_Date,'Appraisal Services Detail'!$H:$H,"Residential",'Appraisal Services Detail'!$M:$M,A4),+SUMIFS('Appraisal Services Detail'!$BI:$BI,'Appraisal Services Detail'!$AO:$AO,">="&Beginning_Date,'Appraisal Services Detail'!$AO:$AO,"<="&Ending_Date,'Appraisal Services Detail'!$H:$H,"Residential",'Appraisal Services Detail'!$M:$M,A4))