Hi all,
First up I'm using Word 2003 as I've already learnt this can make a difference!
I'm looking for some kind of If function which can look at part of a URN and dependent on the cell content displays a certain value.
The URN will be copied into a cell and will look like this "ABC/0012/OLR/2014/0001"
The part which I need to concentrate on is the OLR part, which is the identifying part of the reference.
So far when testing I'm using the following two formula, but neither are completely suitbale for my needs.
=IF(ISERROR(FIND("OAF",B6)),"Leasehold 93","Leasehold 67") Problem with this is that it is one or the other and I've got 80+ to incorporate
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("OAF",B6)),"Section 21",IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("OLR",B6)),"Section 48",IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("OCE",B6)),"Section 24",IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("OC",B6)),"Section 60","")))) The second go would just seem too long to construct.
As I've got 80+ differing codes and outcomes I'm guessing some kind of range or list is probably the way to go, but I don't have a clue how to put it together, hence my post.
An idea solution should be able to read the "OLR" bit from one cell and then display the outcome in another cell. There are then variations on this theme but I can then hopefully work that out myself if somebody could point me in the right direction!
Grateful for any assistance you can spare the time to provide! Advanced apologies but I'm next to useless with macro's etc!