Hi everyone,
Thanks for your input.
Fotis1991: thanks for uploading an excel file. I used your formulas, modified them and everything worked great. What I would like now is a way to simply update the Region tab (no. 2) and have it apply to tab 1 so I don't have to go in and modify formulas.
Daddylonglegs / Cffndncr: I liked your suggestions but I couldn't modify the Region tab in the excel Cffndncr uploaded. Obviously, I'm doing something wrong. I have uploaded version 1 thanks to Fotis1991. version 2 is the one I need help with. Also, is there a way to do away with the region number in B column of Region tab? If you look at version 1, you will see how I would prefer to have regions laid out. I've heard of naming a group of cells. Maybe that's the key to this all.
Electrical Companies V1.xlsxElectrical Companies V2.xlsx