Hi Butman,
Can you upload an example of your workbook?
Hi Butman,
Can you upload an example of your workbook?
Here it is cffndncr. Notice that I went in and made rules for each city since I can't figure it out. I tried to make a list on the second sheet of the cities that fall into a region (not up-to-date at the moment). Think of it as a radius. Cities that are closest are green (very close), then blue (a little travel but OK), then orange (not desired but doable), then red (not possible). Feel free to dump the rules in favour of four. As the list grows it's likely that more cities will need to be added and require more rules - rather tedious.
Sorry, forgot to upload and I can't do it in edit mode...
Hope this works
Electrical Companies.xlsx
Seems that you compltely ignored my suggestion. Never mind!
Here is your solution.
=OR($C2="Concord";$C2="Markham";$C2="Richmond Hill";$C2="Scarborough";$C2="Thornhill")
-This is my Greek whisper to Europe.
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Advanced Excel Techniques: http://excelxor.com/
--KISS(Keep it simple Stupid)
--Bring them back.
---See about Acropolis of Athens.
--Visit Greece.
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