Hi, first time here. I have used Excel years ago, but need to refresh skills.

I was wondering if someone could explain this particular function to me:


I know the IF is the type of function, E9 [a name] is a column-row, <> means not equal to, $ means can't(?)change, and the D9 [a per amount]is a column-row. And I believe the sets of quotes refers to something about text, but what the text is and what does it do? The formula itself is in F9 [an amount]

This is in a Chore Payment Schedule I found somewhere that automatically totals up chore allowances for each child and want to change it to my needs, but not sure of how this formula works here and how I might need to change it some for my chart. (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know....my age....and, yes, I've still got kids in school! And still trying to get them to do chores!)

I attached pics of the charts, but not sure if you can read them.
Any help would be appreciated!

Here is the Chore Payment Schedule I found:
Chore Payment Schedule _.jpg

And this is the same chart but shows the functions. I cut out some of the columns (they are all the same) so you can see the Total column with the names. I don't understand the formulas in Row5: =UPPER(TEXT(StartDate,"aaa")) and in Row6: =StartDate , but I believe these are the 'texts' being used in the function I'm inquiring about, just don't know what it is or how it works?
Chore Payment Schedule_ Formulas_ .jpg

And this is MY tentative Chore Allowance Chart:
My Chore ChartExcel _.jpg

I want to put Initials (Of who did the chore) in the columns of what was done (C) on what days (D thru J) and have it total up in that persons Total column (K) at the far right. So what functions do I need to use?
Note: I know you noticed that I listed myself in the Totals column as MOM. And you ARE wondering, aren't you? Well, I just thought I would see how much I could earn doing the chores myself (which is what usually happens). Shouldn't I get paid if I do them? Yeah, baby! Maybe I'll be able to afford to take a vacation next year!

It feels like these should be basic functions, but, you know, old age....with kids still in school....growing older by the minute....the dementia's taking over! Why, I can hardly remember who my kids are......hehehehehe! More money for me!

Anyway, thanks so much for any help!!