I think I can use the SUMIFS formulato add qty's based on whether the transaction date falls within a specified date range.

I have a workbook with 2 sheets; 1st sheet has the qty's and the transaction dates and the 2nd sheet has the criteria.

Qty's in Sheet 1 are in Column H
Dates in Sheet 1 are in Column D

So in sheet 2 i need a formula in each row to sum the qty's in sheet 1 column H as long as the date in sheet 1 column D falls within the dates in sheet 2 column C and sheet 2 column U.

My formula reads: =SUMIFS(Sheet1!H:H, Sheet1!D:D, ">="&Sheet2!C2, Sheet1!D:D,"<="&Sheet2!U2)

From there I would expect to be able to copy the formula down so that this calculation is performed for each row in sheet 2 (several date ranges). Any ideas why this isn't working?