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Nested IF Function - The 'Condition' is based on two values within a Cell

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Sinalk Nested IF Function - The... 03-10-2014, 10:13 AM
icestationzbra Re: Nested IF Function - The... 03-10-2014, 11:39 AM
Mazzaropi Re: Nested IF Function - The... 03-10-2014, 11:40 AM
Sinalk Re: Nested IF Function - The... 03-12-2014, 11:27 AM
  1. #1
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    Nested IF Function - The 'Condition' is based on two values within a Cell


    I am working on creating a simple Excel Database of an Engineering Tool Room Inventory for work. However I can not seem to get one particular 'NESTED IF Function' to do what I want it to do. (In advance warning, I may be going down the wrong route and might have used the wrong Formula in Excel but from my understanding the 'IF' function seemed the most plausible. However if anyone can recommend a better solution then that would be great - Thank you.)

    All I would like to do is for a NESTED IF Function to be able to say this:
    1. When a user inputs data into one column, for example 'Column A', with the following data: 4" Square
    2. Then the neighbouring column, for example 'Column B', would have a NESTED IF Function.
    3. Which would output a logical response, "A, B, C, D, E, F etc...", depending on what is written in Column A.
    If 'Column A' - 4" Square, Then 'Column B' - A
    If 'Column A' - 5" Square, Then 'Column B' - B
    & So on...
    But the NESTED IF Function should only put a logical response if there is certain values within the cell, for example:
    User types a value into 'Column A' which contain - 4 & S, Then 'Column B' - A
    User types a value into 'Column B' which contain - 5 & S, Then 'Column B' - B
    & So on...

    Current Solution:
    Currently to do the above function, I have utilised the following Excel NESTED IF Function:
    =IF(F10="2 1/4 SQUARE","A",IF(F10="4 SQUARE","B",IF(F10="5 SQUARE","C",IF(F10="170mm SQUARE","D",IF(F10="7 1/4 SQUARE","E",IF(F10="230mm SQUARE","F",IF(F10="150mm SQUARE","G")))))))
    & The following happens:
    1. User inputs data into 'Column A'
    2. The NESTED IF Function then provides an automatic response.
    3. However it relies on the data being inputted without the ' " (Quotation Symbol)'
    4. & With me defining the exact phrase that should be typed into the cell, for example, "4" Square"

    I have attached an example worksheet of the NESTED IF Function in practice, with two tables. One showing what is happening with the code above and one table showing what I would like to happen but with no function.
    Example - IF Function.xlsx

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert icestationzbra's Avatar
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    Re: Nested IF Function - The 'Condition' is based on two values within a Cell

    hello there,

    i don't know if this is what you would like, but this is how i have handled similar situations at my end.

    by the way, i found your post to be very clear and descriptive - kudos to you.
    - i.s.z -
    CSE, aka Array aka { }, formulae are confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.
    Replace commas ( , ) with semicolons ( ; ) in formulae, if your locale setting demands.
    All good ideas are courtesy resources from this forum as well as others around the web.
    - e.o.m -

  3. #3
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    Re: Nested IF Function - The 'Condition' is based on two values within a Cell

    sinalk, Good afternoon.

    Take a look at my example for you.
    10-03-2014_ExcelForum_Example - IF Function.xlsx

    Please, tell us if it worked for you.
    I hope it helps.
    ...If my answer helped you, Please, click on. * Add Reputation (at left)

    Best regards.
    Marc?lio Lob?o

  4. #4
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    Re: Nested IF Function - The 'Condition' is based on two values within a Cell


    Apologies for the delayed response, was away for a couple of days.

    However thank you both for your responses. They both work.

    Your idea actually made it so I do not need to utilise the Column with A, B, C etc... Therefore removing the requirement of a Formula.
    (The Formula was part of a bigger document that had macros running in the background but they could not recognise the ' " ' symbol.

    Your idea was good because it used a better formula than what I would have utilised!

    For other people who may read this post, I have a third option (which was provided by an individual at work) which is:
    = IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("2 1/4", B2)), "A", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("230", B2)), "F", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("5", B2)), "C", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("170", B2)), "D", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("7 1/4", B2)), "E", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("4", B2)), "B", ""))))
    Thank you again all! Much appreciated for taking time out to help me!

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