I want to perform this action but get stuck doing so..

If the value in "Dscnt Y/N" column is equal to N, the Discount column value should be 0.
If the value in the "Discount Y/N column" is equal to Y, the formula should check if the value in the Tenure (Yrs) column is less than 5.
If the value in "Tenure (Yrs)" column is less than 5, the Discount column value should be 0.07
Otherwise, the value of Discount column should be 0.1.

So far my formula returned the the first one correct

=IF([@[Discount Y/N]]="N","0") it returned the correct values.

=IF([@[Discount Y/N]]="N","0")IF([@[Discount Y/N]]="Y",[@Tenure (Yrs)]]=<5) (i believe this is incorrect)