Quote Originally Posted by FDibbins View Post
the "decimal" seconds are not taken into account here...
Thanks very much for this FDibbins, your formula has worked great! The only thing is I really need an accuracy of 2 decimal places on the final net value on seconds. I'm time keeping a race car event on the Isle of Man, so could really do with this amount of accuracy. (I don't normally use excel as I have my own software and equipment but I'm having to do some time keeping on 1 particular race course where the terrain of the land makes it impossible for me to use my methods so I'm having to input the data into a spreadsheet, where as usually it would be set up to be completely automated)

But... I was pondering over the solution you gave me and thought would it not be possible to use "text to columns function" and have it split the Net Time of the 0:00:00.000 into separate columns using the colons and full stop as a partition, so I could then add the final .000 values onto the Net Time in Seconds values I now have?

However, It seems this won't work with the Delimited function as what gives the figures their colons is the formatting of the cell such as 0:00:00.00. So, for example the delimitated function just reads 0:01:20.555 as 120555 so there are no colons for it to read and use as separators.

I thought I could then use the "Fixed Width" function instead, however a similar problem occurs. The formatting of the cel provides the zeros at the beginning of the Net Values and these zeroes can not be seen by the Text To Column so (as you can see in the screenshot) as everything is bunched to the left instead of the right when I use the fixed width it does not take the last 3 digits of each of the net times (depending on how far to the left they are depends on how much it misses of the last 3 values).

Do you have any idea of how I can just extract the last 3 values out of the net time cells so then I can add them on to the net time in seconds?

Text To Column.jpg
Column Breaks with Fixed Width .jpg

Many Thanks