What is this array formula doing? Is there a better way to write it? Please explain in detail.
=MAX(IF('[Daily sales_2013_v78.xlsx]data2013'!$E$8:$NE$8='fcast-closings'!C$4,'[Daily sales_2013_v78.xlsx]data2013'!$E91:$NE91,""))
What is this array formula doing? Is there a better way to write it? Please explain in detail.
=MAX(IF('[Daily sales_2013_v78.xlsx]data2013'!$E$8:$NE$8='fcast-closings'!C$4,'[Daily sales_2013_v78.xlsx]data2013'!$E91:$NE91,""))
The IF Formula:
[data2013]E8 = [fcast-closings]C4, if true, [data2013]E91, if false, blank
[data2013]F8 = [fcast-closings]C4, if true, [data2013]F91, if false, blank
[data2013]G8 = [fcast-closings]C4, if true, [data2013]G91, if false, blank
[data2013]NE8 = [fcast-closings]C4, if true, [data2013]NE91, if false, blank
Once it has evaluated all the cells above, find the MAX value of the array.
It returns the maximum value from range data2013'!$E91:$NE91
for criteria specified in data2013'!$E$8:$NE$8.
So let say for
1 3 4 1 2 3
It will return 4 for "A"
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Thank you. Is there a more effective formula to use? That formula is annoying.
Another option for MAX calculation with array formula:
=MAX(('[Daily sales_2013_v78.xlsx]data2013'!$E$8:$NE$8='fcast-closings'!C$4)*'[Daily sales_2013_v78.xlsx]data2013'!$E91:$NE91)
And with non-array formula:
=MAX(INDEX(('[Daily sales_2013_v78.xlsx]data2013'!$E$8:$NE$8='fcast-closings'!C$4)*'[Daily sales_2013_v78.xlsx]data2013'!$E91:$NE91,))
Quang PT
Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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