If you can take a look in the attached file, you can see that some of my data is #N/A
such as in cell Q111. If you then scroll right in the file to column z you see an area highlighted in yellow.

In this area I would like to, for example in the column with the header: "north", have a count of all the #n/a data points for each date (column a), when and only when the #n/a is in one of the columns B:N, which has north at the top of it, as one of the tags row 1:4.

What makes this worse is the fact that I am stuck with Excel 2003. Garrrrrr!!!!

So to give an example in cell z6 I would expect the formula to return 0, as there are no n/a values to the left in any of the columns with north as tag. In fact I would like 0 as my output for all of column z.

However in the column titled cable, I would expect to see an output of 0 until row 107, and an output of 1 all the way down to row 211, where the output should change to 2 as in addition to the#n/a in column q, another one pops up in column n by the time you scroll down that far.

I hope that make sense, please ask if not,

Thanks so much,
